WASD scores higher than area districts on DPI Report Card

Wautoma Area School District Administrator Jewel Mucklin provided the Wautoma Area Board of Education an annual summary of the recently released 2022-2023 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Public and Choice School Report Cards during their monthly meeting on December 11.

Mucklin stated WASD received an “exceeds expectations” rating for the third year in a row with an overall score of 72.8, or four stars, which is higher than the surrounding area schools. Two of the four schools obtained a rating of “exceeds expectations” while two schools “met expectations”, which provided the district four stars.

Each district and school in Wisconsin is ranked on a scale ranging from one to five stars. Five Stars would indicate a district that significantly exceeds expectations, while a one star would show a failure to meet expectations. The areas scored on the DPI Report Card include achievement, growth, target group outcome, and on-track for graduation

According to the DPI, Wisconsin school districts with more economically disadvantaged students, which includes Wautoma, the “growth” measure is weighed more heavily at 40.3%, while Target-Group Outcomes and On-Track to Graduation is weighed at 25% and Achievement is 9.7%.

When analyzing WASD data, Mucklin found there continues to be a consistent trend, in the overall district, of lower scores in mathematics compared to English Language Arts (ELA), which she said is continued to be addressed by the District. However, overall, there was above average growth in both math and ELA, with the highest growth in math for the special education population.

Mucklin added proficiency and advancement stayed about the same in economically disadvantaged, English Language Learners, and special education populations in ELA. She also said chronic absenteeism and graduation rates were lower than the district normally averages, which the Administrative Team has been addressing to ensure students attend school regularly.

To view the Department of Public Instruction Report Cards for the Wautoma Area School District, Click HERE.